ISO Certified 2024-07-08T23:01:30+00:00

ISO Certified

Targem Translations is proud to be ISO 17100:2015 and ISO 18587:2017 certified.

ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization. This global, non-governmental body provides a framework to certify quality management procedures.

What do these standards mean?

The ultimate objective of an ISO certification is Customer Satisfaction. The standards require to achieve this goal by developing a systematic approach that drives consistent quality and by continually improving business processes.
Certifications are awarded based on stringent criteria and regular audits to ensure compliance.

What do these certifications mean?

A015-ALC-17100-CertificateISO 17100: Translation Services:
This standard establishes the required competences and qualifications of Project Managers, Translators, Editors, and Reviewers to ensure the highest quality translations. It also defines the core processes and other aspects necessary for consistent client satisfaction.

Click the image to see our certificate.

ISO 18587:2017: Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE):
This standard specifies the requirements for full human post-editing of machine translation output and the competencies and qualifications of post-editors, ensuring quality in MTPE (Machine Translation Post-Editing) services.

Click the image to see our certificate.

Targem Translations’ mission is to provide high-quality and customized language solutions to clients of all sizes. We strive to help them thrive in the dynamic global market or to communicate more effectively with their customers and suppliers who speak difference languages.

Contact us today so we can discuss and quote your next project.